Battle Orlando Captains Meeting & Draft Details Announced!

Battle Orlando Captains Meeting & Draft Details Announced!

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With Battle Orlando approaching fast here in about 2 months, we have some exciting news to announce in regards to the location for the official adult Captains Meeting and Draft which will be held on Thursday, January 17th from 7:00 – 11:00pm! We are proud to announce that the House of Blues has given us access to the entirety of their amazing Music Hall, including the stage, multiple cash bars and a 10% discount to all players for food! Take a look here at this virtual tour of the House of Blues and their Music Hall (to the right when you first enter) so you can see how great of a venue this will be! In addition to the captains meeting where you can chat with our directors about rules and what to expect along with the draft, we’ll also have sponsors there for you to interact with, a photo booth experience, interview station set up for media day, part of the USFTL Hall of Fame ceremonies, oh and don’t forget the discounted food and drinks! For information on youth click here. 

Below are also some details on what to expect from the draft itself and how it works for any new teams and players!


One of the unique features about playing in an FFWCT National or World Championships is our pool play draft for selecting seeding. All teams with 5 or more teams in their division will battle to select their placement on the schedule, where you’ll have a say in who you play, what time and on what field. Captains will select which seed they want on the schedule in reverse order of their Battle™ Points ranking, and you can take any spot on the board, bumping out another team if desired, who would be forced to take an open spot. Full rankings will be updated Monday with bonus points from registration included and draft order will be sent out early next week so captains can prepare.


Team A has the least Battle Points and selects first, and is on the clock (1 minute to decide) . They select the 5th seed on the schedule so they can start at a later time. Team B is up next, and selects the 1st seed to avoid being in the same pool as Team A. Team C is up next, and decides they want to bump Team A out of their spot and steals the 5th seed. Team A then is forced to take an open spot on the board, and selects the 2nd seed place themselves in the same pool as Team B who they think they matchup well against. This continues all the way through the draft until the last 3 teams are left. The only rule exception is that if any of the top 3 teams get bumped out of their spot, they are allowed to bump again. So if Team Z has the most points and is the last to draft and bumps Team X out of their spot who was the 2nd or 3rd highest points, Team X would be allowed to bump another team out so they’re not stuck with the only open spot on the board having earned a top 3 draft position. The team they bump would have to take the last open spot on the board, and the draft would be complete! It is a fun way to select your pool play positions and gives each team some input on when, where and who they play!

For more information on the tournament and other questions, view our in-depth FAQ’s page here for Battle Orlando!

Travis Burnett

Travis Burnett is a passionate flag football enthusiast with over two decades of experience as a player and more than 15 years as a coach. As the co-founder of USA Flag, Travis has been instrumental in organizing and running some of the largest flag football tournaments worldwide for the past decade. His dedication to the sport extends beyond the field, as he has been actively contributing to flag football education for over 12 years. With his extensive knowledge and hands-on experience, Travis continues to be a driving force in promoting and developing the sport of flag football through USA Flag.

Travis Burnett

Travis Burnett is a passionate flag football enthusiast with over two decades of experience as a player and more than 15 years as a coach. As the co-founder of USA Flag, Travis has been instrumental in organizing and running some of the largest flag football tournaments worldwide for the past decade. His dedication to the sport extends beyond the field, as he has been actively contributing to flag football education for over 12 years. With his extensive knowledge and hands-on experience, Travis continues to be a driving force in promoting and developing the sport of flag football through USA Flag.

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