What to expect for Battle Dallas: Preview & Changes
Battle Dallas, a flag football tournament event featuring over $10,000 in cash prizes and formats/divisions for all ages and competitions level, is now less than 2 weeks away from starting! Registration ens this upcoming Saturday the 17th and divisions are filling up fast, so we wanted to give a quick update on what to expect as far as registration, rosters, schedules, rule and more goes for the tournament!
ALL REGISTRATION is now handled through the event page, NOT LeagueApps, as that platform is being phased out completely. Rosters or payments on LeagueApps will be applied to your team fee but to avoid confusion ONLY use the team registration form here, and if you need to pay for a partial balance you can do so here.
An updated on current registered teams can be found here, please email us if you’d like to be added to the INC list to let others know you’re planning on making it, and to register click here! One of the major changes we implemented after Battle Orlando was the switch to full team registration instead of the individual player registration model we’d used before. Team registration should be a much more familiar system for most teams, and save us from some of the issues with the system and player confusion when it came to rosters, adding/removing players and a higher price point that came with it. All teams that had previously registered using single player have had their fees applied directly to their team’s payment, and all registrations now start at $300 and up, where you can view a full chart here on the event page.
For rosters, the system is now MUCH simpler. Instead of having to have all your players email addresses and add them through the online system and track their payments, you simply need to pay the team fee before the 17th of June to register, and we will send you a roster form which simply has to be filled out and turned in before your first game at the fields the day of the tournament. You can add and change your roster as much as you want up until that day, and just need the final form turned in to lock it in. Also there are NO roster minimums anymore, and roster maximums have been reduced slightly but still higher than most traditional tournaments.
PRO divisions now capped to 10-12 teams so make sure your team fully registers to reserve your chance at the cash prize!
For Battle Dallas and all foreseeable tournament events, we are implementing straight block scheduling to give teams more games and also allow an easier to manage schedule and ability to guarantee different divisions don’t overlap easier. Each team will receive 2 – 3 pool play games on Saturday, then be seeded into a single elimination tournament bracket on Sunday.
Another benefit of block scheduling is the ability to allow us to guarantee certain divisions don’t overlap easier. For Battle Dallas, game time should run 8:00am – 9:00pm on Saturday and 8:00am – 5:00pm on Sunday.
The schedule below should give you an idea, but for the main divisions, Men’s 8v8 Screen PRO won’t conflict with 4v4/5v5 PRO divisions OR 8v8 Screen Coed divisions. 4v4 and 5v5 PRO divisions will conflict with each other, so you’ll need to pick one, BUT since 4v4/5v5 Comp and Rec divisions are in the afternoon, you can play in one of each or mix and match there!
Here is the official schedule for each division so your team will be able to plan accordingly when deciding which formats to register for (morning and afternoon blocks won’t overlap so you can play in one of each minimum):
Games starting in the morning both Saturday & Sunday
4v4 Men’s PRO
Max 12 Teams
5v5 Men’s PRO
Max 12 Teams
7v7 Men’s Intramural PRO
Max 12 Teams
7v7 Men’s O35, E.M.P. & Rec Divisions
Unlimited Teams
8v8 Screen Coed PRO
Max 10 Teams
8v8 Screen Coed Recreational
Unlimited Teams
Games starting in the afternoon both Saturday & Sunday
4v4 Men’s Comp & Rec
Unlimited Teams
5v5 Screen Men’s Comp & Rec
Unlimited Teams
5v5 Screen Women’s Open
Unlimited Teams
7v7 Women’s PRO
Max 12 Teams
8v8 Screen Men’s PRO
Max 12 Teams
All Day Schedules both days with no guaranteed scheduling
5v5 Youth
Unlimited Teams
8v8 Screen Men’s Comp & Rec
Unlimited Teams
CLICK HERE to find the cheapest hotels closest to the fields! These specially negotiated lowest guaranteed rates will go fast so please reserve your rooms today! In most cases you will not be billed until checkout at the hotel, and prices will go up as we get closer to the event so book now!

All rules can be found here on our flag football rules page that will be used for Battle Dallas per your format. There are no major rule changes, other than ALL FORMATS will be using Sonic Flag-a-Tag flags in every format with mushrooms allowed for all adult formats. Youth may use the NFL Flag variation belts, and youth age chart can be found here. All youth must have proof of birth cercertificate or other form of ID to verify age in the event of a protest.
At Battle Orlando we had the pleasure of entertaining a production crew representing NBC Sports Network that will again be on-site at Battle Dallas to continue shooting for our upcoming series with more details to be announced at a later date! Make sure you’re there for your chance to be included, filmed, featured, interviewed and other opportunities that may exist!