Meet the Sponsors: Main Event
We are excited to have Main Event attending the FFWCT Orlando Flag Football World Championships in a couple weeks and wanted to give you guys a brief rundown of what to expect! They will be on-site with a booth and will be raffling off a fun pack for 6 for 1 hour of bowling and 6 one hour timecards! Find out more below!
What is your Name, Title, & Company you are with?
Taylor Skloss, Main Event Entertainment
What makes Main Event unique & or special compared to your competition?
Main Event is the MOST FUN under one roof
What are your top 3 most popular products?
State of the art bowling, Gravity Ropes Course, Virtual Reality
Why did Main Event think it was important to be a part of the Flag Football World Championships?
Together, we play!
What can players & fans expect to see from you guys during the event in Orlando?
Onsite at the games, and Main Event is the official after party destination all weekend long. Special $20.95 inclusive offer for players and families that includes all you can play activities and 2 slices of pizza/soda