What to Expect at the Battle World Championships

indianapolis battle world championships what to expect

What to Expect at the Battle World Championships

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The FFWCT’s Battle World Championship is approaching fast and we’ve got all the details you need to share with your team and fans below! With 195 teams signed up this event is set to be one of the biggest and most competitive tournaments of the year, with players and teams traveling in from almost every US state and internationally for a chance at the huge cash prizes!


Click here for a link to the pool play and playoff schedules. You can select your division at the top of that page, check the brackets and schedule (standings are blank until gameplay begins). Keep in mind you will be selecting your seed on Friday at the captains meeting and draft (details below) and you will need this schedule to strategize over which seed you’re aiming to get, what times they play, pools they’re in, etc. Final schedules will be update on this same link and sent out by email immediately following the captains meeting with your team plugged into the schedule.

Captains Meeting

The captains meeting will be held Friday, July 27th at the Dicks Sporting Goods in Carmel, IN from 6:00pm – 9:30pm. All players who come out to check in will get a 20% off coupon for everything in the store, valid 7/27 – 7/29!

Pool Play Draft

One of the unique features about playing in an FFWCT National or World Championships is our pool play draft for selecting seeding. All teams with 5 or more teams in their division will battle to select their placement on the schedule, where you’ll have a say in who you play, what time and on what field. Captains will select which seed they want on the schedule in reverse order of their Battle™ Points ranking as of next Friday, and you can take any spot on the board, bumping out another team if desired, who would be forced to take an open spot. Full rankings will be updated Monday with bonus points from registration included and draft order will be sent out early next week so captains can prepare.

How it Works (Example)

Team A has the least Battle Points and selects first, and is on the clock (1 minute to decide) . They select the 5th seed on the schedule so they can start at a later time. Team B is up next, and selects the 1st seed to avoid being in the same pool as Team A. Team C is up next, and decides they want to bump Team A out of their spot and steals the 5th seed. Team A then is forced to take an open spot on the board, and selects the 2nd seed place themselves in the same pool as Team B who they think they matchup well against. This continues all the way through the draft until the last 3 teams are left. The only rule exception is that if any of the top 3 teams get bumped out of their spot, they are allowed to bump again. So if Team Z has the most points and is the last to draft and bumps Team X out of their spot who was the 2nd or 3rd highest points, Team X would be allowed to bump another team out so they’re not stuck with the only open spot on the board having earned a top 3 draft position. The team they bump would have to take the last open spot on the board, and the draft would be complete! It is a fun way to select your pool play positions and gives each team some input on when, where and who they play!

Draft Times by Division:

6:30pm – 4v4 Men’s Recreational
6:45pm – 5v5 Non-Contact Men’s Recreational
7:00pm – 7v7 Screen Men’s Recreational
7:15pm – 8v8 Contact Men’s Recreational
7:30pm – 8v8 Screen Coed Open
7:45pm – 7v7 Screen Men’s PRO
8:00pm – 5v5 Non-Contact Men’s PRO
8:15pm – 8v8 Contact Men’s PRO
8:30pm – 4v4 Men’s PRO
8:45pm – 8v8 Contact Men’s Competitive
9:00pm – 5v5 Contact Men’s Open

Player Conduct

There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on fighting. If you throw a punch, you’re out of the tournament, period, and will be placed on our ejected player list until further notice. Getting in someones face and shoving in an aggressive manner in a way that’s instigating a fight will immediately get you kicked out of that game, possibly future games depending on the severity up to the judgement of the tournament director. We are under the spotlight here with the Colts on site, fans and spectators who are coming to check out our sport that have never seen it, families and kids playing and on-site, etc. We will be VERY strict about this, so police your own teams and understand the consequences here.

No cursing, this is a family friendly event. Every official will be instructed to give 1 warning on a teams first infraction. Team, not player. 2nd infraction will lead to a 15 yard penalty, 3rd infraction and players will start being removed from the game. If you curse at the opposing team or officials, you’ll automatically earn a 15 yard penalty, 2nd infraction is ejection. If you curse loud enough for it to be heard from the sideline or on another field, you will be penalized, so make sure you police your own team to avoid any penalties or ejections.

Rosters & Waivers

ALL ROSTERS MUST be filled out through RoomRoster. Once your captain has completed registration, he can click the Build Team button to invite players who may then download the app to reserve hotel rooms out of your reserved block, view your schedule, get updates and more!  Just look for the RoomRoster app on the app store once you’re signed up! You can also click the Manage Team button from your dashboard to add them manually.

All players must check in at the Bracket tent labeled by the blue 6 on the map below prior to participating where you’ll sign your waiver and pick up your wristband.

Flags & Shorts

You must provide your own flags. All teams will use Sonic Flag-a-Tag flags for all 4v4,  5v5 and 8v8 Screen divisions (mushroom flags ARE allowed).  Triple Threat flags will be used in all 7v7 Screen and 8v8 Contact formats.

No pockets on shorts. You must have pocketless shorts, no taping allowed, so make sure your entire team is aware and prepared. If you are caught with pockets you will be removed from the game until you have the correct attire, and if you touched the ball on a play you were discovered to have pockets, then your team will be penalized and you will be removed from the game until you have the correct attire.

Flags and pocketless shorts WILL be available for sale in the sponsorship village at The White Football tent if you need any, along with footballs, custom flags, jerseys, apparel and more!

Final Prizes

Below is the final cash prizes and awards being given out at the FFWCT Battle World Championships based on divisions that made. Divisions that didn’t hit the team minimum will have the reduced cash payouts listed as well.

4v4 Men’s PRO – $10,000
4v4 Men’s Recreational – No cash, prizes listed below.
5v5 Non-Contact Men’s PRO – $10,000
5v5 Non-Contact Men’s Competitive – $500 (50% of pot with 4/8 teams represented)
5v5 Non-Contact Men’s Recreational – No cash, prizes listed below.
5v5 Contact Men’s OPEN – $5,000
7v7 Screen Men’s PRO – $2,500
7v7 Screen Men’s Recreational – No cash, prizes listed below.
8v8 Contact Men’s PRO – $10,000
8v8 Contact Men’s Competitive – $2,500
8v8 Contact Men’s Recreational – $1,000
5v5 Non-Contact Coed PRO – $400 (40% of pot with 4/10 teams represented)
7v7 Screen Women’s PRO – $750 (30% of pot with 3/10 teams represented)
8v8 Screen Coed OPEN – $2,500
8v8 Contact Women’s OPEN – $1,000 – (40% of pot with 4/10 teams represented)

All division winners will receive Trophies, championship rings, 1/2 paid bid to any 2018 state championship, 1/2 paid bid to either upcoming National Championships, individual medals, and 5X Battle Points. All PRO and Open division winning teams will also win MVP plaques to the Offensive, Defensive and All-Purpose MVP’s they select that’ll be used for our Hall of Fame qualifications.

Field Location & Map

Field map below. Medical trainers will be on the three main quads we’re playing on, outlined in the colors below. Facility is Grand Park and address is 19000 Grand Park Blvd, Westfield, IN 46074.


Get to the facility early, by 11am on Saturday if at all possible! If you look at the map above, Lots E and F will have around 1,000 parking spots available and the facility does charge $5 per car per day so ride sharing is suggested. Lot G is for shuttle drop-off only and will not be open parking, and the shuttle will pick up at a free lot you can park at for overflow the location of which will be emailed out prior to the tournament. Lot C is paid parking as well, but will be a very long walk to our fields so is not recommended.

The Colts are expecting thousands of fans coming out and their camp starts at noon on Saturday, so expect alot of traffic and parking filling up fast starting around 11am and maybe earlier. Sunday they don’t have practice until closer to 6pm, so should not be nearly as much of an issue. Even if you play in the afternoon formats on Saturday, get there early if at all possible. We will not be holding up any games due to delays in traffic or parking, so make sure and plan on being at the facility all day!

Facility Policies

No coolers, no smoking. They will have monitors walking around the fields following up and they do have the power to remove people from the complex. There will be 3 concession stands with food and water. Yes, you can bring tents and chairs, but keep in mind if you have to park in the free lot it may be difficult to get a tent on the shuttle and a decent walk to your fields.

Photo & Video Highlights

We will have a couple photographers out there and staff getting video highlights that we’ll be posting to our Instagram all day so make sure and follow us @ffwctour. Also we will be posting a user generated photo/video gallery from instagram for anyone using the hashtag #FFWCTWorlds post event, so make sure and use that hashtag all weekend, especially for highlights and videos. You can also DM us the videos you’d like us to repost!

Sponsors & Entertainment

Colts training camp will be going on at the same time as mentioned and easy walking distance from our fields, so make sure and check out this blog for full details on how to get your free tickets, schedule of activities and more!

Below are the expected sponsors who will be on-site with tents or have sent product to sample and give away so make sure and stop by the sponsorship village between games!

  • Wilson Football
  • Mikes Hard Lemonade
  • Junk brands
  • Colts
  • Frunutta
  • Bitchin Sauce
  • Prep U Products
  • Battle Sports
  • Froozer
  • Smarty Vitamins
  • Pro Supps
  • 1907 Water
  • State Farm
  • Detox Water
Travis Burnett

Travis Burnett is a passionate flag football enthusiast with over two decades of experience as a player and more than 15 years as a coach. As the co-founder of USA Flag, Travis has been instrumental in organizing and running some of the largest flag football tournaments worldwide for the past decade. His dedication to the sport extends beyond the field, as he has been actively contributing to flag football education for over 12 years. With his extensive knowledge and hands-on experience, Travis continues to be a driving force in promoting and developing the sport of flag football through USA Flag.

Travis Burnett

Travis Burnett is a passionate flag football enthusiast with over two decades of experience as a player and more than 15 years as a coach. As the co-founder of USA Flag, Travis has been instrumental in organizing and running some of the largest flag football tournaments worldwide for the past decade. His dedication to the sport extends beyond the field, as he has been actively contributing to flag football education for over 12 years. With his extensive knowledge and hands-on experience, Travis continues to be a driving force in promoting and developing the sport of flag football through USA Flag.

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